
Monday 18 July 2011

You've probably noticed that the blog has managed to lose a lot of its pictures... its thanks to a glitch with Picasa, and its deleted my Blogger album that hosted all the pictures for the blog! I am trying to sort it out, and hopefully over the next couple days all the pictures should be back on. I think I am going to get rid of Picasa altogether and use Flickr from now on!

I do hate Blogger sometimes :-(


  1. Gawd!! Michelle, this happened to me too - except that I deleted the blogger album by mistake - and paid for it dearly! How do u link it to Flickr? Let me know pls, I want to have a back up of all my pics...Hope u r able to get urs back without having to upload them manually

  2. Shireen, create a Flickr account. You can use a Yahoo login if you have one. Then upload all the pictures to it. You can organise them into sets. Then you can use the HTML code and use that in your blog posts, instead of uploading to Blogger. That way you have a backup, plus you're no longer reliant on Picasa to host your Blogger pictures.

    I now have to upload every single picture on to Flickr, then go back and capture the code, then edit the posts and republish. Aaaargghhh!!! Such a pain... I am getting very close to giving up Blogger for Wordpress or summat!!

  3. you just let me know when you're ready to move to wordpress ;-)

  4. Ok, will try that Michelle, thanks. By the way, I see your latest post "Belleau Kitchen's Chicken with Coconut Cream" on my blog...but when I click on it, it doesnt appear as the latest post on ur blog...thought of updating u, i get the message that the post doesnt exist.

  5. What a mightly pain indeed. I got in a real tizzy when I lost a post and some comments (never did get them back), but your blogger mishap sounds much worse.


I love hearing back from my friends and readers. Please let me know how you liked this post, and if you would consider making this recipe, or have already made it. Please take a moment to post pictures on my Facebook page, if you do happen to take a couple :)

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